Thursday, September 10, 2009

I return

            Yes folks, I have returned to this first blog of mine.  How so much has happened in all walks of life since my last visit.  The web has evolved; our interests and avocations have grown and changed; people have come and gone their ways.  Three years, a little drop in the sea of time, to us busy mortals is an eternity.


            So what now?  Well, I resurrect Blogger to give voice to my reflections and activities in the various ways the new web 2.0 technology provides.  Now that email posting is realized, the process is far more feasible and even enjoyable..  So for starters the following three web logs will highlight the musings of Dr. JJ:

And as you will find, this is just the beginning of the next phase in  my publishing practice.  For, in the absence of good desktop content management & publishing tools, the internet comes to our aid.  Of course we all must be conscientious of our public content and web footprint.  So not all the resources included will be open to all.  But never fear, if you are a real person interested in real perspectives, you’ll find open doors.