Monday, December 21, 2009

Welcome to Winter and The spirit of Christmas

The frolic of Fall has now waned and today we officially harold Winter with the Winter solstice and its maximum hours of northern darkness.  The adventures of Fall have all come to a close with this period of remembrance, rejoicing and recollection in the presence of friends and family.  Somehow it seems fitting this year to find the sky bellowing today with foreboding clouds and showering the already wet ground with its drops.  For on such a day of turning seasons, the rainy day makes the fire in the hearth beacon welcomingly for us to enjoy quiet activities before its warmth.  And so it shall be.  Without interruption and enticement from beyond the front door, I enjoy a quiet day of work, Christmas preparations, reading and writing.  Much change is at hand and yet much joy and promise this change has brought too.  For the saga of the doctor takes its next stage today on the shores of the north coast.  Indeed, tomorrow the first patients shall be seen in the practice now marked with his name plaque.  The march of Mars moves far and wide.  What 2010 shall bring has yet to be created but the gradual shift from central valley to north coast is more a certainty.  Meanwhile, during these past weeks of preparation, my travels East brought me in tune with the season at hand, reconnecting family and witnessing the grand Christmas festivities of both Podunk town and national capital.  With the 2009 travels completed, I am happy to be home for the holidays.  Let the blessing of Christmas bring cherished joy to you and pave the promise for a prosperous 2010!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What to do when the top starts spinning ... out of control

The last blaze of summer has now burnt out and a freshness of autumn lingers instead.  Some would say that the change of season and temperature changes cause the body stress and increases its susceptibility to illness.  Others claim that Fall kicks off the flew season with a bang when all students, from pre-schooler to graduate student return to the classroom, that common breeding ground for bugs, germs viruses and infections of all kind, even the psychological variety.  Then there are those who ascribe the common cold to a simple lack of sleep or physical malnutrition.  When you get a sore throat, come down with a cough, develop a head or stomach ache, and/or get a runny nose, you may promptly point to any of these rationales for your (hopefully) abnormal discomfort.  Yet still other philosophies and postulates exist which explain and provide a framework for understanding the phenomenon of illness.  The metaphysical realm describes our universe in terms of flows of energy.  Our physical being and intellect is the only thing that prescribes a value judgment to the energy, space and environment around and within us.  Such a perspective proposes that we are far more connected to one another in our age of digital, wireless and networked technology than ever before in the history of the planet.  Such an electrical environment offers heightened experiences for us as individuals and communities, yet at a cost.  Fore today, the concentrations of energies having anti-harmonic vibrations or frequencies above the tolerance of organic tissue disturb the equilibrium of our physical, emotional and mental state of being.  When your channel is too wide open, you can leave yourself prone to be swept up by the tides around you.  This, coupled with environmental conditions, is exactly what happens for many when the end of summer comes and autumn begins.

So rather than Secom to a chronic cold or days of misery in bed, why not adopt and be mindful of the basic tips for healthy living?

1) Keep rested and get a good night's sleep.

2) Maintain good nutrition - a wholesome and balanced diet as appropriate for your body and activity level.

3) Stay warm - as Goldie Lox would say: not hot, not cold, but just right.

4) Sustain at least the minimal level of physical exercise each day and week.

5) For the energetic feelers and realistic meta-physical experiencers, maintain a clear space in whatever way suits your fancy: a walk through nature, moment of silence, inner meditation, visit to "the special place", maintain your Merkaba, zone out, etc.


Combine all of these together as fit for the occasion and find out how quickly you bounce back on the rare times when the weather bug bites.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I return

            Yes folks, I have returned to this first blog of mine.  How so much has happened in all walks of life since my last visit.  The web has evolved; our interests and avocations have grown and changed; people have come and gone their ways.  Three years, a little drop in the sea of time, to us busy mortals is an eternity.


            So what now?  Well, I resurrect Blogger to give voice to my reflections and activities in the various ways the new web 2.0 technology provides.  Now that email posting is realized, the process is far more feasible and even enjoyable..  So for starters the following three web logs will highlight the musings of Dr. JJ:

And as you will find, this is just the beginning of the next phase in  my publishing practice.  For, in the absence of good desktop content management & publishing tools, the internet comes to our aid.  Of course we all must be conscientious of our public content and web footprint.  So not all the resources included will be open to all.  But never fear, if you are a real person interested in real perspectives, you’ll find open doors.




Saturday, September 23, 2006

A New Fall Season has Begun

Here again at last I am back. Its amazing to think how much happens in a year and a half. The start of a new season and the fact that today is move-in day makes it all the more poignant. There's no way to encapsulate all that goes on in a compressed capsule such as this, so let it suffice to say that research is progressing well and still remains my main focus.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

March Madness

Well here is my very first post on my very first blog. It only took a month to get around to posting it. Seeing that this fad is spreading like wild fire, chances are that within the next couple months I will have my second, and more official blog on my site at Maybe over Spring break I will finally get around to learning script configuration so I can instal the blog script I think I got a while back. Then I can send out the postcards to you all too (stay tuned). Considering this Winter the writing has taken a hit, maybe this will get me back in the habit of writing. Then at the very least a few electrons will know what is up in my little corner of the world. BTW: for all my friends, yes, after long last, I believe the official, long-awaited 2005 greetings will finally be ready for the first day of Spring. Of course, don't hold your breath ... Based on Christmas break I should probably expect the unexpected once I head home in a week.
With coursework behind me and research progressing well, life is good today. I am so glad sun has returned to Santa Barbara after 30+ inches. So, to close on this fine mid-week night, let the stars shine bright and illuminate the journey through life ahead.