Welcome to Winter and The spirit of Christmas
The frolic of Fall has now waned and today we officially harold Winter with the Winter solstice and its maximum hours of northern darkness. The adventures of Fall have all come to a close with this period of remembrance, rejoicing and recollection in the presence of friends and family. Somehow it seems fitting this year to find the sky bellowing today with foreboding clouds and showering the already wet ground with its drops. For on such a day of turning seasons, the rainy day makes the fire in the hearth beacon welcomingly for us to enjoy quiet activities before its warmth. And so it shall be. Without interruption and enticement from beyond the front door, I enjoy a quiet day of work, Christmas preparations, reading and writing. Much change is at hand and yet much joy and promise this change has brought too. For the saga of the doctor takes its next stage today on the shores of the north coast. Indeed, tomorrow the first patients shall be seen in the practice now marked with his name plaque. The march of Mars moves far and wide. What 2010 shall bring has yet to be created but the gradual shift from central valley to north coast is more a certainty. Meanwhile, during these past weeks of preparation, my travels East brought me in tune with the season at hand, reconnecting family and witnessing the grand Christmas festivities of both Podunk town and national capital. With the 2009 travels completed, I am happy to be home for the holidays. Let the blessing of Christmas bring cherished joy to you and pave the promise for a prosperous 2010!